This blog is about raising awareness about a Hate Group called One Million Moms. This is NOT a blog by One Million Moms! If you are posting here trying to contact them, they will not see it!
You WILL see their letters and posts here, as a way to make people aware of their agenda, NOT as a way to support their actions or beliefs!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Please Show Support for Macy's!

One Million Moms has asked that everyone who received their January 27th, 2012 email sign their name and email address to the following email and send it off (through their system) to the President of Macy's, Terry J. Lundgren.
"As a mother and a member of, I am greatly disappointed in your company's decision to offend mainstream Americans with your newest mail catalogue.

In the hopes of making sales, your company has instead offended many customers in the process. The back cover looks like just a regular ad for your wedding registry service, but there is one major difference with the cake topper of two men instead of the traditional man and woman. The ad also includes a license plate that reads "I do" and hearts scattered everywhere. Just because gay marriage is legal in a few states does not mean this is appropriate marketing. As a conservative customer I will not support it.

While your company is a household name, I do not agree with your irresponsible choice of standing behind gay marriage. The homosexual content is highly offensive and not family-friendly advertising.

As a consumer, I am asking you to please pull your "two groom" ad immediately and support traditional family values instead of this liberal agenda. My decision to shop in your store depends on it.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding my concern."
 I feel it's greatly important that Macy's also hears positive feedback for such a progressive actions and views towards the LGBT community! Macy's needs to understand that while certain members of the community continue to see LGBT persons as "offensive" and "non-family friendly" that they are NOT the "mainstream" as they claim. And that while they may lose the patronage of a few radicals, they will gain the support of many many more!

I have decided to counter OMM's email with this response. Feel free to simply copy and paste, or to write your own...
 "As a mother and a member of the LGBT community, I am extremely pleased in your company's decision to support same sex marriage with your newest mail catalog.  Your inclusion of a wedding cake with a two groom topper was an exciting surprise in my mailbox!

Companies like yours are often looked to as an example for newer or smaller companies, and to the community as a whole.  So to see you take such a stand in support of tolerance and love of all shades is nothing less than a blessing, as it is a trend I believe will now become more acceptable and more wide spread among other businesses and companies.

I am sorry to say that it has come to my attention that certain groups have used this as an opportunity to attack your company and your ads as "offensive" and "non-family friendly." However, I plead with you NOT to drop such ads or support to the LGBT community. This group and their supporters do NOT represent the majority of your customer base! As a proud mother, and lover of family, I find the intolerance and hatred that this, and similar groups, choose to spread as highly offensive!

Love, in all it's forms and expressions, is a beautiful blessing and should be embraced and supported as such! I have been a Macy's shopper for many years, and I would like to continue this relationship. However, I feel it would set the wrong example for my children if I were to continue shopping with a company who chose to support the values of an overly conservative hate group, rather than continue to show support to Freedom, Love and Civil Rights! So I am sorry to say that my patronage depends on your continued use of Same Sex Marriage ads, and support of the LGBT community as a whole.

I look forward to your reply, and I thank you for taking the time to do the right thing."

If you choose to use this email, please do take a moment to personalize it. You can email the Company President at:

You can also show your support by snail mail, Phone or Fax at:
Terry J. Lundgren, President
7 West Seventh Street
Cincinnati, OH  45202

Primary Phone: 513-579-7000
Secondary Phone: 513-579-7764
Fax: 513-579-7555

You can also show your support by posting on the Macy's Facebook page!

**If you are an ongoing customer you may want to include your Macy's account information in any emails, letters or faxes that you send. This will show the company that you are in fact an ongoing customer of theirs rather than a potential customer.

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