This blog is about raising awareness about a Hate Group called One Million Moms. This is NOT a blog by One Million Moms! If you are posting here trying to contact them, they will not see it!
You WILL see their letters and posts here, as a way to make people aware of their agenda, NOT as a way to support their actions or beliefs!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

OMM Attacks JCPenny's - My Reply

One Million Moms has launched their attack on JCPenny's for choosing Ellen Degeneres as their new spokes woman. There attack supposes that JC Penny's mostly caters to "Traditional Families" and that these "Traditional Families" will be offended by them having a homosexual spokeswoman...  BUT, here are a few facts - First, people from all walks of life, including myself, love Penny's and shop there often. Secondly, a great many "Traditional Families" hold beliefs which include accepting homosexuality as completely normal. And third, the vast majority of customers don't care who the spokes person is or what their sexuality is.

HOWEVER, as with most of their "causes" One Million Mom's makes a point to target "issues" that no one else is bothering with. Penny's will get a few thousand calls and emails from members of the OMM group demanding that they fire Ellen simply because of her sexuality. And, since they aren't getting even a fraction of that amount of customers calling saying they are glad to see Ellen as the spokes woman, Penny's will back down. Not because Penny's is in any agrees with this group, but because good business dictates that they side with their customers. So when the only significant feedback on this issue that they get is against it, good business sense says "side with the majority" and find a new spokes woman.

Now, I'll be honest, I'm not an Ellen fan. I don't find her attractive or funny or even interesting. Often I wonder why she is famous when I'm not. But SHE is not the reason One Million Mom's is targeting Penny's, her sexuality is, and THAT is something I will stand up against. The more and more "victories" this group experiences the stronger they get and the more recruits they will find.

So, here's the deal, One Million Moms has asked that their members call Penny's and request that they replace Ellen as their spokes woman. I, for one, will be calling both their customer service center and their corporate headquarters to support their choice to hire Ellen. I hope that you will do the same. Phone calls are a pain in the butt to make, but I think when it means standing up against hatred, bigotry and intolerance - not to mention discrimination based on sexuality - I think a little time on hold is worth it!

Their numbers are 972-431-8200 (customer service) and 972-431-1000 (corporate headquarters).

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